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Collection - Registration - Analysis - Reporting

Environmental analysis

Accurate environmental data is crucial for monitoring the environment. Environmental data is used to determine the state of the environment, as well as to assess the need for and evaluate the effects of environmental measures. Standardized collection of environmental data ensures quality of environmental data and comparability over time, between actors, and between geographical areas.

For your business, this means requirements for sampling, data aggregation, and reporting to central authorities. Such requirements are often stipulated in concession conditions for operation.

But the business will also have a self-interest in monitoring emissions to have control over its own operations, not cause harm to the local environment, and to ensure compliance with the limits set by the regulatory authorities.

Registration of environment data

FieldTalk supports incorporating the sampling regime that the company is required to follow or has established for internal control. This data often covers many different categories, whether it concerns emissions to air, water, or the local environment.

Collection of environmental data involves gathering information according to a defined sampling regime, often dictated by regulatory requirements. The collected data forms the basis for internal environmental reporting as well as reporting to authorities through Altinn.

  • Measurement data is collected according to a specific schedule and the results of laboratory analyses are recorded and displayed.
  • The data can be further reported to Altinn, for example.
  • This information provides management with a clear overview of what is being emitted by the company and whether it is within the limits that apply.

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